Dogs of all breeds are allowed to be tested. The age of the dogs is from 18 months. Dogs with an OKD diploma of any degree are allowed for testing.
The security guard service checks:
- Sampling someone else's belongings
- Protection of things
- Detention, protection of the trainer, attitude to the shot, escorting.
Familiarization with the test site is permitted.
The handler controls the dog in accordance with the commands established by these rules by voice and gesture. The tests begin with a report. The trainer with the dog approaches the judge and stops 2-3 meters away from him, introduces himself and clearly reports on his readiness for testing.
The overall assessment of the dog's performance is made up of the total points scored in accordance with the final table of points scored, subject to the performance of each skill.
The dog's performance is judged by the judge for each skill in accordance with the table of penalty points indicated on the score sheet. For incorrect and indistinct actions, penalty points are deducted from the highest skill score.
When accepting tests, the behavioral features of each breed are taken into account.
In the skill test, the judge should distinguish between additional actions by the handler that affect the performance of the dog and actions that the handler does that do not change the performance of the dog. All actions of the trainer, distorting or supplementing the normative command when demonstrating a skill and affecting the dog's performance are evaluated as additional impacts on the dog and are penalized, each separately under the item "other violations" of this skill in the evaluation sheet.
During trials, the trainer is not given a separate score in points, but at the end of the trial the judge gives an assessment of the trainer's work (ex., Good., Satisfactory).
Dogs that get out of the handler's control during the test are removed.
Depending on the points awarded at the end of the tests, a diploma of 1, 2, 3 degrees is awarded.
Description of skills and their implementation
Fetching someone else's thing.
Voice commands: "Sniff", "Seek", "Give", and a gesture with the right hand.
The sampling time - 2 minutes - is counted from the moment the sampling command was given.
The selection of someone else's thing is made from four objects of the same shape and size, which can be of any material (except glass, metal, stone) that does not have sharp odorous inclusions. The smell is applied to objects for at least one minute. Items are laid out on a 2 x 2 m section in a row at a distance of 20-30 cm from one another. The fifth object for acquaintance with the smell is placed at a distance of 3 m on either side of the sample area.
A trainer with a dog is called to the sampling site. After the report on the readiness for the test, the trainer, at the direction of the judge, approaches the assigned object and lets the dog sniff it. Any method of smelling. Command the dog "Sniff". The smelling time is 1 minute.
After the dog has sniffed the object, the handler, remaining in place, sends the dog to the sample with the command "Seek" or "Sniff" and with a guiding gesture. The dog must, at the first command of the trainer, approach the objects, sniff them and take the object with the desired smell in its mouth, then bring it to the trainer and, at the command "Give", give it to the trainer. Walking around and landing at the foot is optional. Repeated commands in the sampling area are prohibited. If the dog took the object in its mouth and stopped further sampling, a report on the end of the admission is allowed. The thing taken by the dog in the mouth is considered selected. The trainer is allowed to give commands "To me" if the dog left the zone with all four paws.
Two starts are allowed, the time of each is two minutes. If at the end of the time of the first start, the dog has not chosen the desired object, the trainer calls it to him with the command "To me", gives the second time to sniff the object and sends the dog to the repeated start. Before the second run, the odor is reapplied to the objects. The thing that was chosen incorrectly at the first start is replaced with a thing with a different smell, and the desired smell remains the same. Errors of the previous run, when evaluating the dog's performance on the second run, are not taken into account.
The skill is considered unfulfilled if the dog chooses the wrong thing on the second run.
Skill score (25-18 points) | penalty points |
every repeated command | one |
scatters, intercepts objects | 1-3 |
sampling without a tray to the trainer | 3 |
call of a dog | one |
restart | four |
other violations (each) | one |
Protection of things.
Voice commands: "Lie down" and "Guard".
To protect things, the dog is tied to a strong leash 2-2.5 meters long. A sector with an angle at the base (tether point) of 130 ° -150 ° should be previously indicated in the protected area. The radius of the sector is equal to the length of the leash.
At the direction of the judge, the trainer with the command “Lie down” puts the dog down to the length of the taut leash, puts the thing at the dog's elbow on either side, gives the command “Protect”, steps back and hides in a shelter, located no closer than 10 meters from the base of the leash. The handler should not control the dog from a shelter.
At the judge's signal, the assistant calmly walks past the dog twice at a distance of two or three steps from the thing along the sector border. Then, in turn, from one side and the other, he attempts to take the thing and, throwing a delicacy into the security sector, calmly leaves along the sector border to the designated place. Throwing food into the dog's mouth is prohibited. At the direction of the judge, the handler comes out of the hiding place and disarms the dog.
The dog must vigilantly guard and confidently protect the thing, not leaving it and not transferring it to another place, not changing the starting position until the start of the active actions of the helper. If the dog crosses the leash line with any part of the body before the helper starts to move, the handler is allowed to re-place the dog for guard once. The skill is considered unfulfilled if the dog does not react to the helper's actions or backs off, allowing him to take the thing, or eats food.
Skill score (15-7 points) | penalty points |
change of position before security check | one |
gnaws and ruffles a thing, transfers it to another place | 3 |
attacks a quietly passing assistant with a departure from the thing | four |
not returning to things after the assistant leaves | 3 |
re-stacking for guard | 3 |
barks at a quietly passing assistant | one |
other violations | one |
eating feed | removed |
Detention of the assistant, protection of the trainer, attitude to the shot, escorting.
The trainer with the dog goes to the start line and stops. In this case, it is allowed to hold the dog by the collar. From behind a shelter located at a distance of at least 25 m, an assistant appears in a protective sleeve and armed with a stack. Having made several movements that arouse the dog, he runs away in the direction opposite to the dog. After running 10 steps, he raises the stack, which is a signal for the trainer to start the dog to hold.
After that, the assistant turns around and runs towards the dog, raising the stack above his head.
The trainer gives the dog the command "Fas", according to which it must actively (gallop) move towards the assistant in a straight line and immediately counterattack him, making a full mouth grip on the sleeve. The trainer himself remains in place.
It is forbidden to give repeated FAS commands after the first grip.
The helper actively steps on the dog, crowding it, and inflicts two blows on the body with a stack during the fight. After the dog has made the first bite, the trainer, at the direction of the judge, goes to the dog and, having approached a distance of no more than 3 meters from the assistant, stops his actions with the command "Stop!", And then the dog's actions with the command "Fu" or another short command to end the grip. It is allowed to recall the dog with the command "Come to me!" or taking her away from the Side by side team mate.
Then the trainer takes the starting position for escorting at a distance of 5 steps from the helper, giving the dog the command "Near" and / or "Guard", and the helper - "March", escorts him, moving from behind, keeping the initial distance. The assistant, having passed at least 10 steps, turns abruptly and, with a raised stack, tries to attack the trainer. The dog must immediately stop this attempt by making a grip on the protective sleeve. The helper works in the above manner, but does not hit the dog, and the handler remains in place. During the fight between the assistant and the dog, a shot is made from the starting pistol at a distance of at least 10 meters from the dog.
After a fight between the helper and the dog, lasting at least 5 seconds, at the signal of the judge, the trainer runs up to the helper and gives him the command “Stop”, and the dog “Fu” or another short command to stop the grip, after which it is allowed to recall the dog with a command or retraction. her on the command "Near".
Then, fixing the dog with the command "Sit" and / or "Guard", the trainer searches the assistant from the back and takes the stack from him. After the search, the trainer returns to the dog, with the commands "Near" and / or "Guard", he transfers the dog for lateral escort and escorts the assistant, having given him a preliminary command "To the judge, march". Lateral escorting is allowed on a sagging leash.
Having brought the assistant to the judge, the trainer with the “Stop” command stops him, fixes the dog with the “Sit” command, and he passes the stack to the judge, after which he takes the dog away. From this point on, the refereeing ends.
Dogs that are uncontrollable during the "Retention" exercise or are removed from the sleeve only by mechanical action, do not grip the sleeve, do not show their grip, demonstrate a fear of swinging, and refuse to fight the helper from the "Retention" exercise.
Skill score (60-35 points) | penalty points |
re-command "Fas" before the first grip | 2 |
deficiencies in grip and struggle with the helper (given once as a total score for the entire exercise) | 1-15 |
each termination of the grip, followed by renewal in the process of fighting with the assistant | five |
inactive movement of the dog towards the helper during the counterattack | 1-3 |
every grip after a forbidding command | one |
re-release command | one |
repeated command while escorting | one |
disadvantages of escorting (running ahead, lagging behind with the appearance of a gap) | 1-5 |
disadvantages of vigilance when escorting | 1-5 |
lack of vigilance every time you watch | 1-5 |
every breakdown | five |
other violations (each) | five |
Final table of points scored by OKD
Assessment of work | final grade |
Highest mark | 100 |
Minimum allowable score | 60 |
1st degree | 100-90 |
2nd degree | 89-80 |
Grade 3 | 79-60 |
Skill Scorecard
Testable skills | Maximum score | Minimum score |
Fetching someone else's thing | 25 | eighteen |
Guarding things | fifteen | 7 |
Detention | 60 | 35 |
Evaluation of the work of the trainer
Indistinct report to the judge
Every distortion of the command, gesture
Untimely execution of the judge's command
Lack of the necessary influence on the dog
Influence on the dog unnecessarily
Impossibility of checking the skill (lack of equipment, violation of regulations, etc.) - removed
Rough treatment of the dog - removed
Unethical attitude towards the judge - removed
Rules of the competition for the
security guard service (ZKS) PROTECTION AND GUARD SERVICE (ZKS).
General Provisions
Dogs of any breed with a diploma in ZKS of any degree are allowed to compete. The age of the dogs - 15 months - is determined on the day of the competition.
The security guard service checks
1. Selection of someone else's belongings
2. Protection of things
3. Detention of an assistant, protection of a trainer, attitude to a shot, escorting (checked simultaneously)
Familiarization with the venue of the competition is permitted.
The handler controls the dog in accordance with the commands established by these rules by voice and gesture.
Competitions begin with a presentation. The trainer with the dog approaches the judge and stops 2-3 meters away from him, introduces himself and clearly reports on his readiness for the competition.
The overall assessment of the dog's performance is made up of the total points scored in accordance with the final table of points scored, subject to the performance of each skill.
The dog's performance is judged by the judge for each skill in accordance with the table of penalty points indicated on the score sheet. For incorrect and indistinct actions, penalty points are deducted from the highest skill score.
All actions of the trainer, distorting or supplementing the normative command when demonstrating a skill and affecting the dog's performance are evaluated as additional impacts on the dog and are penalized, each separately under the item "other violations" of this skill in the evaluation sheet.
At competitions, errors in the trainer's actions are assessed in accordance with the table of penalty points. The accumulated penalty points are deducted from the maximum positive assessment of his work - 50 points. The work of trainers is taken into account only if two or more dogs have exactly the same marks: equal sums of points for each skill.
For rough treatment of a dog, the trainer is removed from the competition.
Dogs that get out of the handler's control during the competition are removed.
Depending on the points awarded at the end of the competition, a diploma of 1,2,3 degrees is awarded.
Fetching someone else's thing.
Voice commands: "Smell", "Seek", "Give", "To me" and gesture with the right hand.
The selection of someone else's thing is made from five items. The sampling time - 1 minute - is counted from the moment the command was sent to the sample.
The selection of someone else's thing is made from five objects of the same shape and size, which can be of any material (except glass, metal, stone) that does not have sharp odorous inclusions. The smell is applied to objects for at least one minute. Items are laid out on a 2m x 2m plot in a row at a distance of 20-30 cm from one another. The sixth object for acquaintance with the smell is placed at a distance of 3 m on either side of the sample area.
A trainer with a dog is called to the sampling site. After the report on the readiness for the competition, the trainer, at the direction of the judge, approaches the assigned object and lets the dog sniff it. Any method of smelling. Command the dog "Sniff". The smelling time is 1 minute.
After the dog has sniffed the object, the handler, remaining in place, sends the dog to the sample with the command "Seek" or "Sniff" and with a guiding gesture. The dog must, at the first command of the trainer, approach the objects, sniff them and take the object with the desired smell in its mouth, then bring it to the trainer and, at the command "Give", give it to the trainer. Walking around and landing at the foot is optional. Repeated commands in the sampling area are prohibited. If the dog took the object in its mouth and stopped further sampling, a report on the end of the admission is allowed. The thing taken by the dog in the mouth is considered selected. The trainer is allowed to give commands "To me" if the dog left the zone with all four paws.
Two starts are allowed, the time of each is 1 minute. If at the end of the time of the first start, the dog has not chosen the desired object, the trainer calls it to him (command "To me"), gives the second time to sniff the object and sends the dog to the repeated start. Before the second run, the odor is reapplied to the objects. The item, which was chosen incorrectly at the first start, is replaced by a item with a different smell, and the desired smell remains the same. Errors of the previous run, when evaluating the dog's performance on the second run, are not taken into account.
The skill is considered unfulfilled if the dog chooses the wrong thing on the second run.
Skill score (25-18 points) | penalty points |
every repeated command | one |
scatters, intercepts objects | 1-3 |
sampling without a tray to the trainer | 3 |
restart | four |
other violations (each) | 1-2 |
Protection of things.
Voice commands: "Lie down" and "Guard". Performance:
To protect things, the dog is tied to a strong leash 2-2.5 meters long. A sector with an angle at the base (tether point) of 130 ° -150 ° should be previously indicated in the protected area. The radius of the sector is equal to the length of the leash.
At the direction of the judge, the trainer with the command “Lie down” puts the dog down to the length of the taut leash, puts the thing at the dog's elbow on either side, gives the command “Protect”, steps back and hides in a shelter, located no closer than 10 meters from the base of the leash. The handler should not control the dog from a shelter.
At the judge's signal, the assistant calmly walks past the dog twice at a distance of two or three steps from the thing along the sector border. Then, in turn, from one side and the other, he attempts to take the thing and, throwing a delicacy into the security sector, calmly leaves along the sector border to the designated place. Throwing food into the dog's mouth is prohibited. At the direction of the judge, the handler comes out of the hiding place and disarms the dog.
The dog must vigilantly guard and confidently protect the thing, not leaving it and not transferring it to another place, not changing the starting position until the start of the active actions of the helper. If the dog crosses the leash line with any part of the body before the helper starts to move, the handler is allowed to re-place the dog for guard once.
The skill is considered unfulfilled if the dog does not react to the helper's actions or backs off, allowing him to take the thing, or eats food.
Skill score (15-7 points) | penalty points |
change of position before security check | one |
gnaws and ruffles a thing, transfers it to another place | 3 |
attacks a quietly passing assistant with a departure from the thing | four |
not returning to things after the assistant leaves | 3 |
barks at a quietly passing assistant | one |
other violations | 1-2 |
eating feed | removed |
Detention of the assistant, protection of the trainer, attitude to the shot, escorting.
The trainer with the dog goes to the start line and stops. Fixes the dog with the commands "Sit" or "Near", while it is not allowed to hold the dog by the collar.
From behind a shelter located at a distance of at least 25 m, an assistant appears in a protective sleeve and armed with a stack. After making several movements that attract the dog's attention, he runs away from the dog. After running 10 steps, he raises the stack, which is a signal to start the dog to hold. At the direction of the judge, the trainer with the command "FAS" lets the dog in to be detained, and he himself remains in place. After that, the assistant turns around and runs towards the dog, raising the stack above his head.
At the command "Fas" the dog should actively (gallop) move towards the assistant in a straight line and immediately counterattack him, making a full mouth grip on the sleeve. It is forbidden to give repeated FAS commands after the first grip. The helper actively steps on the dog, crowding it, and inflicts two blows on the body with a stack during the fight. At the direction of the referee, the assistant stops the fight. The dog must stop its grip on its own or at the first command "Fu", or at any other short command of the trainer and watch the assistant cautiously (further, the trainer uses only this command to stop the grip, and others are penalized under the item “distortion of the command” only in the trainer's assessment) ... At the direction of the judge, the trainer goes to the dog and, coming up to a distance of no more than 3 meters from the assistant,
After that, the trainer independently organizes the “guarding” of the assistant, ordering him to take a predetermined place, and he himself seats the dog with the commands “Sit” and “Protect” and goes into the shelter. The dog should watch the helper cautiously, without being distracted. While the trainer is in the shelter, the assistant, at the direction of the judge, makes an attempt to escape. The dog independently, without the influence of the trainer, must with a strong grip prevent the helper from running and hold him. At the moment of the grip, the referee fires the starting pistol. Not less than 3 seconds after the shot, at the direction of the judge, the trainer leaves the shelter and stops, and the assistant stops fighting the dog.
After stopping the helper, the dog, on its own or on one command, must stop gripping. Further, at the direction of the judge, the helper attacks the dog in the manner described above, without striking it with the stack. Without any influence from the handler, the dog must go into a counter-attack and prevent further attack by the helper with his grip. After the dog has made a grip on the protective sleeve, it is struck two blows to the body with a stack.
At the direction of the referee, the assistant stops the fight. The dog must, independently or at the first command of the trainer, release the assistant and watch him. At the direction of the judge, the trainer approaches the dog at a distance of no more than 3 meters, calls the dog up with the command "Come to me!" or takes her away from the Side by side team mate. Then the trainer takes the starting position for escorting at a distance of 5 steps from the helper, giving the dog the command "Near" and / or "Guard", and the helper - "March", escorts him, moving from behind, keeping the initial distance. The stack used by the helper for striking is not picked up, but must be held so that the dog cannot see it. The assistant, having passed at least 10 steps, turns sharply and tries to attack the trainer. The dog must immediately stop this attempt by a firm grip on the protective sleeve.
At the direction of the judge, after a fight with the dog lasting at least 5 seconds, the helper stops the fight. After stopping the helper, the dog must release him on his own or at the first command and watch. At the direction of the judge, the trainer goes to the dog, fixes it with the commands "Sit" and / or "Guard", searches the assistant from the back and takes the stack from him. Then he approaches the dog and, using the commands "Near" and / or "Guard", transfers the dog for lateral escort of the assistant and, commanding the assistant "To the judge march", escorts him. Having brought the assistant to the judge, the trainer with the “Stop” command stops him, fixes the dog with the “Sit” command, and he passes the stack to the judge and takes the dog away. After this point, the refereeing ends.
Dogs that, during the Retention exercise, are uncontrollable or do not stop biting after two repeated commands (mechanical removal from the sleeve is prohibited) or do not bite on the sleeve, do not show their grip after two repeated prompting commands “Fas”, demonstrate a fear of swinging, refuse from the fight with the assistant or move away from him more than three meters, they are removed from the exercise.
Skill score (60-35 points) | penalty points |
re-command "Fas" before the first grip | 2 |
deficiencies in grip and struggle with the helper (given once as a total score for the entire exercise) | 1-15 |
each termination of the grip, followed by renewal in the process of fighting with the assistant | five |
inactive movement of the dog towards the helper during the counterattack | 1-3 |
every grip after a forbidding command | one |
re-release command | one |
repeated command while escorting | one |
disadvantages of escorting (running ahead, lagging behind with the appearance of a gap) | 1-5 |
disadvantages of vigilance when escorting | 1-5 |
lack of vigilance every time you watch | 1-5 |
every breakdown | five |
other violations (each) | 1-5 |
Final table of points scored by OKD
Assessment of work | final grade |
Highest mark | 100 |
Minimum allowable score | 60 |
1st degree | 100-90 |
2nd degree | 89-80 |
Grade 3 | 79-60 |
Skill Scorecard
Testable skills | Minimum score | Minimum score |
Fetching someone else's thing | 25 | eighteen |
Guarding things | fifteen | 7 |
Detention | 60 | 35 |
Evaluation of the work of the trainer
Evaluation of the trainer's work (50 points)
The evaluation of the trainer's performance does not affect the evaluation of the dog's performance, but is taken into account in the competition if two or more dogs have equal total indicators.
penalty points | |
Fuzzy report to the judge | 2 |
Every distortion of command, gesture | one |
Untimely execution of the referee's command | 2 |
Lack of Necessary Impact on the Dog | 2 |
Untimely promotion | one |
Influencing the dog unnecessarily | one |
Inability to check the skill (lack of equipment, violation of regulations, etc.) | removed |
Rough treatment of the dog | removed |
Unethical attitude towards a judge | removed |