General Provisions
OKD tests are carried out on a training ground equipped with the necessary projectiles: boom, blank fence, inclined wall in the form of the letter "A", barrier, ladder. Dogs of any breed are allowed to test. The age of the dogs is from 10 months.
According to the general course of training, the following are checked:
1. The movement of the dog next to the trainer.
2. The attitude to the stern, prohibiting the command "Fu".
3. Disposition.
4. Return to the place.
5. Approach to the trainer.
6. Stand, landing, laying (checked in the complex).
7. Demonstration of the dental system, attitude to the muzzle, transition to a free state.
8. Overcoming obstacles.
9. Controllability of the dog when fired.
Tests for dogs with a height at the withers of 42 cm and below are carried out according to these standards, taking into account changes in the size of obstacles and the distance for control. These dogs are tested for growth prior to testing.
The handler controls the dog in accordance with the commands established by these rules by voice and gesture.
The handler must give the command by voice and gesture immediately after the judge's instructions. It is allowed to influence the behavior of the dog for 3 seconds. A judge controls the actions of the trainer during the tests.
Projectile testing is permitted.
Before the start of each skill, the trainer with the dog takes the starting position (the dog sits parallel to the trainer's left leg, without falling over).
Treats rewards and dog play between skills are not allowed. After completing the skill, stroking the dog is allowed, as well as encouraging it with a voice.
In summing up the final score for a skill (complex), the judge should distinguish between additional actions of the trainer that affect the dog's performance, and the actions of the trainer that did not entail changes in the dog's performance.
All actions of the trainer, distorting or supplementing the normative command when demonstrating a skill (complex) and affecting the dog's performance are assessed as additional effects on the dog and are penalized, each separately under the item “other violations” of this skill in the assessment sheet.
The score in points for the trainer is not separately set, but at the end of the tests the judge gives a qualitative assessment of the trainer's work (ex., Good., Satisfactory). For rough treatment of a dog, the trainer is removed from the test.
Depending on the points awarded at the end of the tests, a diploma of 1, 2, 3 degrees is awarded. The overall assessment of the dog's performance is made up of the total points scored in accordance with the final table of points scored, subject to the performance of each skill.
The work of the dog is assessed by the judge for each skill or complex in accordance with the table of penalty points. For incorrect and indistinct actions, penalty points are deducted from the highest mark for a skill (complex).
The tests begin with a report. The trainer with the dog approaches the judge and reports on readiness.
When accepting tests, the behavioral features of each breed are taken into account. Dogs that get out of the handler's control during the test are removed. Nearby and Handler Approach skills are assessed throughout the test.
1. The movement of the dog next to the trainer.
Voice command: "Nearby".
Execution :
At the direction of the judge, the handler begins to follow a route of approximately 50 steps. In the process of movement, the trainer, at the signal of the judge, changes the pace and direction of movement, and also demonstrates turns on the spot. The trainer's command to the dog "Near" is given only at the beginning of the movement, when turning and changing the pace. The dog should walk tightly and naturally next to the trainer, without crowding him, at his left leg (the dog's shoulder at the knee level), maintaining the correct position at different rates of movement and when turning. When stopping, he sits down on his own at the trainer's left leg, in parallel with him, without falling over.
The skill is considered unfulfilled if the dog deviates in any direction more than the body (the appearance of a gap between the trainer and the dog more than the length of the body).
Skill score (18-10 points) | penalty points |
every repeated command | one |
every deviation within the body in any direction | one |
every lack of landing | one |
every wrong fit | one |
every mechanical action | 2 |
every run of the dog ahead of the trainer or every lag with the appearance of a gap between the dog and the handler | 2 |
each deviation of the dog with the appearance of a lumen that makes up the length of the dog's body | 3 |
other violations (each) | one |
2. Attitude to the stern, prohibiting the command "Fu"
The skill is tested in two stages.
First stage
Voice commands: "Take a walk" and gesture with the right hand, "Fu".
The skill is tested on an area of 4 mx 4 m, where several noticeable pieces of delicacy are scattered by the assistant in advance. The number of thrown pieces must be known to the judge and trainer.
A trainer with a dog without a leash, at the direction of the judge, approaches the area where the food is scattered, stops 2 meters from the area, sends the dog to this area with a “Walk” command and gestures, and continues moving in the direction of the food along with the dog.
At the direction of the judge, after passing the section with a delicacy, the trainer calls the dog up with the command "Come to me" and with a gesture. When the dog tries to take food, the handler can give the forbidding command "Fu". If the command "Fu" sounded after taking the food into the mouth, then the dog at the first command given must throw it away (the first command given is not penalized).
The skill is considered unfulfilled if the dog did not throw food out of the mouth after two forbidding commands or ate it.
Second phase
Team: "Fu".
At this stage, the skill is checked (after prior agreement with the trainer) in one of the following ways:
- prohibiting the dog from taking food from the hand of the trainer;
- prohibition to take any item.
In the first method, as directed by the judge, the trainer: - approaches the judge with the dog and stops in front of him (fixing command “Sit” is allowed);
- with his hand (on an open palm) gives several times one piece of delicacy;
- when giving the next piece, gives the command "Fu";
- after exposure up to 5 sec. removes his hand with a treat;
- resumes giving delicacies.
At the resumption of giving delicacies, the trainer is allowed to give no more than two of any permissive commands.
If, in the process of performing the skill, the command "Fu" sounded after taking the food into the mouth, then the dog, at the first command given, must throw it away. One repeated "Fu" command is allowed.
If the dog took the food after the given command "Fu" and threw it out, then the dog is penalized under the item "other violations" - by 1 point. The skill is considered unfulfilled if the dog did not throw the food out of the mouth or eat it after two forbidding commands.
In the second method, the trainer sends the dog for an object thrown by him. Then, at the direction of the judge, gives the command "Fu", according to which the dog must throw the object out of the mouth.
One repeated "Fu" command is allowed. It is allowed to give no more than two commands to resume a skill. The skill is considered unfulfilled if the dog did not throw the object after two forbidding commands.
Skill score (5-2 points)
Attitude to feed: | penalty points |
re-command | one |
other violations (each) | 1-2 |
Prohibiting command "Fu": | |
re-command | one |
non-resumption of eating after two permissive commands | one |
non-resumption of the pick-up after two clearing commands | one |
other violations (each) | 1-2 |
3. Assortment (item tray).
Voice commands: "Sit" or "Nearby", "Aport", "Give"; right hand gesture.
At the direction of the judge, the trainer:
- · Pulls out and shows the dog an object. Any item can be.
- throws an object no closer than 10 meters away from himself, while an additional fixing command “Sit” is allowed before throwing the aported object.
- after holding up to 5 seconds, simultaneously with the command "Aport" and with a gesture sends the dog for the object.
- after the object has been brought up and held for up to 5 seconds, at the command "Give", he takes the object from the dog.
The dog must run up to the thrown object, take it in its mouth and return to the trainer equally quickly. Sit with an object at the left leg (it is allowed to land the dog in front of the trainer). If the dog lands in front of the trainer, the latter, at the direction of the judge, takes the object from the dog and independently gives the command "Near", after which the dog must sit next to the trainer's left leg (after the command "Near", the bypass is not necessary).
If the dog does not bring the object, throws it more than one meter from the trainer or does not give it up, the skill is considered unfulfilled.
Skill score (13-8 points) | penalty points |
every repeated command | one |
lack of endurance | 2 |
throws an object near the handler within 1 meter | one |
game with object | 1-3 |
slow trot | 1-2 |
recoil resistance | one |
other violations (each) | 1-2 |
4. Return to the place
Voice commands: “Place”, “Lie down”, “Sit” or “Nearby”, “To me”; right hand gesture
At the direction of the judge, the trainer:
- designates a place by laying the dog down with the command “Lie down”, puts a thing in front of it and gives the command “Place”;
- moves away from it by:
- 10 meters (for dogs over 42 cm in height);
- 7 meters (for dogs 42 cm and less); - and immediately turns around to face the dog.
- after holding for at least 15 seconds, calls the dog up with a command with a voice "To me" and a gesture (at the same time). Exposure is counted from the moment the trainer leaves the dog. After the dog has approached and held for up to 5 seconds, as directed by the judge, the trainer:
- a command with a voice "Place" and a gesture (at the same time) sends the dog to the place;
- after holding up to 15 seconds, approaches the dog (the exposure is counted from the moment the dog enters a two-meter area around the place);
- sits down the dog with the command "Sit" or "Nearby" and takes the thing.
On the first command, the dog should quickly, in a straight line, run up to the trainer, and then, also on the first command, at the same pace, return to the designated place and lie down next to the object indicating the place. The body of the dog should not protrude more than half of a circle with a radius of 1 meter (for dogs 42 cm and less - 0.5 m in height), whose center is an object indicating a place. If, when the trainer leaves, after marking the place, the dog leaves the designated area, the trainer is allowed, at the direction of the judge, to return and re-fix the dog in the indicated position once.
The skill is considered unfulfilled if the dog does not return to the area with a 2 m radius.
Skill score (12 - 6 points) | penalty points |
every repeated command | one |
every breakdown | 2 |
failure to return to a meter section from the thing (dogs over 42 cm tall) | 2 |
failure to return to the area with a radius of 0.5 m from the thing (for dogs 42 cm and less) | 2 |
lack of styling | 2 |
change of position | one |
slow trot | 1-2 |
short-stop traffic | 1-3 |
re-designation of "place" | 2 |
other violations (each) | 1-2 |
5. Approach to the trainer.
Command by voice: "To me" and gesture with the right hand (simultaneously).
The trainer calls the dog to him with a voice command "Come to me" and with a gesture. On the first command, the dog should, in a straight line, quickly run up to the trainer and sit at his left leg.
When the dog approaches, it is allowed to sit in front of the trainer, after which, on the command "Near", it must sit at the trainer's left leg (bypass is not necessary).
The skill is considered unfulfilled if the dog does not approach the handler within 15 seconds after the first command given.
When the dog is summoned from a free state, after the command "Walk" to the command "Come to me", it is allowed to use the nickname once, the score does not decrease. Repeated use of the dog's nickname is penalized under the item "other violations" - 1 point.
Skill score (13-9 points) | penalty points |
every repeated command | one |
every wrong fit, no fit | one |
sluggish approach (slow trot) | 1-2 |
short stop approach | 3 |
far (more than one meter) bypass of the trainer | one |
other violations (each) | 1-2 |
6. Stand, landing, laying (checked in the complex).
Commands: voice: "Lie down", "Sit", "Stand" and gesture with the right hand (at the same time).
As directed by the judge:
- the trainer fixes the dog in the indicated position;
- departs from her:
- 10 meters for dogs over 42 cm tall;
- 7 m for dogs 42 cm and less;
and immediately turns around to face the dog. - changes its position with commands (voice and gesture at the same time);
- goes to the dog.
Each skill must be performed by the dog from different positions twice. The dog must, on the first command, take the required position and not change it. When the dog changes the position, the handler must return it to the required position independently by a repeated command. If the dog has not fulfilled the first command, the trainer is allowed to give no more than 2 repeated commands, and if they are not fulfilled, at the direction of the judge, replace with another command, but only once. In this case, two repeated teams will not be additionally penalized when scoring. When the dog is distracted, the handler can use the dog's nickname, but the score is reduced by 1 point on the item "other violations".
If, when the trainer departs, the dog leaves the three-meter area, the trainer is allowed, at the direction of the judge, to return and re-fix the dog in the indicated position once.
The skill is considered unfulfilled if the dog:
- after replacing the team by the referee, did not accept the new position after two repeated commands;
- came out of the 3-meter zone (for dogs over 42 cm in height);
- left the 1.5 meter zone (for dogs 42 cm and less);
Skill score (20-13 points) | penalty points |
every repeated command | one |
advance more than 1 m (for dogs over 42 cm in height) | 3 |
advance more than 0.5 m (for dogs 42 cm and less) | 3 |
advance more than 2 m (for dogs over 42 cm in height) | five |
advance more than 1 m (for dogs 42 cm and less) | five |
every wrong position | one |
failure to accept the position after two repeated commands | four |
resetting to original position | 3 |
other violations (each) | 1-2 |
7. Demonstration of the dental system, attitude to the muzzle, transition to a free state.
Voice commands: "Near", "Sit", "Walk", "To me"; right hand gesture (checked in combination).
At the direction of the judge, the trainer with the dog approaches the judge, stops and shows the dog's dental system (only one fixing command "Sit" is allowed on tests before the beginning of the showing of the dental system). Puts the dog on a muzzle and puts it in a free state with the command "Take a walk" (not in the direction of the judge), then, at the judge's direction, starts moving, calls the dog (it is allowed to give a nickname once) and removes the muzzle from it.
The dog should not resist when showing the dental system, calmly treat the muzzle, not show concern when putting it on, and when the trainer gives the command "Walk", move to a free position. At the direction of the judge, the handler may move in any direction, but not towards the judge.
When the dog is summoned, the trainer is allowed to give a nickname once, then giving the nickname is penalized as a repeated command.
Failure to perform the skill "showing the dental system" is the impossibility of examining the dog's dental system.
Failure to fulfill the skill "attitude to the muzzle" is dropping the muzzle, or incessant attempts to throw it off, despite the influence of the trainer, or the inability to put on the muzzle on the dog.
The absence of a change in the position of the dog after the command "Walk" before the trainer starts to move is penalized under the item "Other violations" - 1 point.
Skill score (5-2 points) | penalty points |
resistance when showing the dental system | one |
muzzle resistance | one |
every attempt to throw off the muzzle | one |
every repeated command | one |
every mechanical action on the dog | one |
other violations (each) | 1-2 |
8. Overcoming obstacles.
blind fence -1.5 meters; slide -1.6 meters; rigidly fixed athletics barrier - 0.75 m or 0.40 m; boom; stairs; trench (dimensions are indicated in the appendix).
The obstacles are divided into 3 groups:
Group 1 - vault: a solid fence 1.5 m high, a slide 1.6 m high;
Group 2 - without vaulting: trench, rigidly fixed, athletics barrier with a height:
0.75 m for dogs over 42 cm at the withers
0.40 m for dogs 42 cm or less at the withers.
Group 3 - movement along the projectile: boom, stairs.
Voice commands: "Forward", "Barrier", "To me", "Near", gesture with the right hand.
The trainer chooses one apparatus from the 3 groups presented and calls them to the judge. The order of overcoming obstacles can be determined by the handler.
When overcoming shells - a solid fence, a slide, an athletics barrier - the trainer uses the "Barrier" command and a gesture with his right hand. When overcoming shells - ladder, boom, trench - the trainer uses the "Forward" command and a gesture with his right hand. The movement of the trainer with the dog between the obstacles is carried out by the command "Near". By agreement with the judge, the trainer can send the dog to the obstacle, stopping in front of him in a 3-meter zone, or right off the bat, without sitting down the dog. All projectile running surfaces must have a non-slip coating.
After the trainer announces the route of movement and the sequence of overcoming obstacles to the judge, the trainer, at the direction of the judge, begins to move.
After overcoming the obstacle by the dog, the trainer, bypassing it on the right side, can immediately start moving with it on the command "Near" to the next obstacle or use the command "To me" before starting the movement (the dog must sit at the trainer's left leg).
The dog must overcome the track and field hurdle with an unsupported jump - without touching it. On the boom, the dog enters the ladder, walks quickly along the boom and exits the ladder on the other side.
The handler follows behind or next to the dog along the boom. The dog climbs the stairs on one side and walks off the other without delay. The handler follows the stairs without getting ahead of the dog.
It is not allowed to provide the dog with any mechanical assistance in overcoming obstacles.
The number of attempts to overcome any obstacle is not regulated, but each repeated attempt is penalized. Overcoming all three selected obstacles is imperative. The minimum test score for overcoming any selected group of shells is 10 points.
Overall mark for overcoming obstacles (14-10 points) | penalty points |
every repeated command | one |
movement without command | one |
touching the l / a barrier with paws | one |
slow movement (over an obstacle) | one |
every retry | one |
every lead by the dog trainer | one |
other violations (each) | 1-2 |
9. Controllability of the dog when fired.
The controllability of the dog when firing is tested when performing any skill, except for the skills:
- "Attitude to feed";
- "Overcoming obstacles" at the time of overcoming shells;
- "Assortment" at the moment of taking the object into the mouth.
The skill, during the execution of which the controllability of the dog on the shot is checked, is established by the judge and applies to all dogs in the event.
The control of the dog's control when firing is carried out immediately in the process of performing the skill (without repeating it). The shot is made, at the direction of the judge, from the starting pistol at a distance of 15 m from the dog, unnoticed by it. If the dog stops performing the skill after the shot, the trainer continues to control the dog on his own.
The score for the behavior of the dog when firing is not separately charged.
The shot itself is considered as a complication of the skill and is included in the overall score according to the table of penalty points for the skill being tested.
Final table of points scored by OKD
Assessment of work | final grade |
Highest mark | 100 |
Minimum allowable score | 60 |
1st degree | 100-90 |
2nd degree | 89-80 |
Grade 3 | 79-60 |
Skill Scorecard
Testable skills | Maximum score | Minimum score |
1. Movement of the dog next to the trainer | eighteen | 10 |
2. Attitude to the stern, prohibiting the command "Fu" | five | 2 |
3. Sorting (item tray) | 13 | eight |
4. Return to the place | 12 | 6 |
5. Approach to the trainer | 13 | nine |
6. Complex (stand, styling, landing) | twenty | 13 |
7. Showing the dental system, attitude | five | 2 |
8. Overcoming obstacles | fourteen | 10 |
9. Controllability of the dog when firing (included in the assessment of the skill or complex) | 100 | 60 |
Evaluation of the work of the trainer
Indistinct report to the judge
Every distortion of the command, gesture
Untimely execution of the judge's command
Lack of the necessary influence on the dog
Untimely encouragement
Influence on the dog unnecessarily
Incorrect display of the technique
Rough treatment of the dog - removed
Unethical behavior - removed
Rules for holding competitions for the general course of training (OKD)
Dogs of all breeds and having an OKD diploma of any degree are allowed to compete. The age of the dogs - not less than 12 months - is determined on the day of the competition.
According to the general course of training, the following are checked:
1. The movement of the dog next to the trainer.
2. The attitude to the stern, prohibiting the command "Fu".
3. Assortment (item tray).
4. Return to the place.
5. Approach to the trainer.
6. Stand, landing, laying (checked in the complex).
7. Demonstration of the dental system, attitude to the muzzle, transition to a free state.
8. Overcoming obstacles.
9. Controllability of the dog when fired.
Competitions for dogs with a height of 42 cm at the withers and below are held according to these standards, taking into account changes in the size of obstacles and the distance for control. The growth of such dogs is checked before the start of the competition. Places among dogs with a height at the withers of 42 cm and below can be determined as in a separate group.
The handler controls the dog in accordance with the commands established by these rules by voice, gesture, voice and gesture.
Command by voice, gesture or voice and gesture must be given by the handler immediately after the referee's direction. It is allowed to influence the behavior of the dog for 3 seconds. A judge controls the actions of the trainer at the competition. Projectile testing is permitted.
Before the start of each skill, the trainer with the dog takes the starting position (the dog sits parallel to the trainer's left leg, without falling over).
After the skill has been completed and its judging has ended, stroking the dog is allowed, as well as encouraging it with a voice. Treats rewards and dog play between skills are not allowed.
All actions of the trainer, distorting or supplementing the normative command when demonstrating a skill (complex) and affecting the dog's performance are assessed as additional effects on the dog and are penalized, each separately under the item “other violations” of this skill in the assessment sheet.
In competition, handler errors are assessed according to the penalty points table. The accumulated penalty points are deducted from the maximum assessment of his work - 50 points. The work of the trainer is taken into account only when two or more dogs have exactly the same marks: equal amounts for each skill.
Depending on the points awarded at the end of the competition, a diploma of 1, 2, 3 degrees is awarded. The overall assessment of the dog's performance is made up of the total points scored in accordance with the final table of points scored, subject to the performance of each skill.
The dog's performance is assessed by the judge for each skill in accordance with the table of penalty points. For incorrect and indistinct actions, penalty points are deducted from the highest skill score.
Competitions begin with a presentation. The trainer with the dog approaches the judge and stops 2-3 meters away from him, introduces himself and clearly reports on his readiness for the competition.
Dogs that get out of the handler's control during the competition are removed.
1. The movement of the dog next to the trainer.
Voice command: "Nearby".
At the direction of the judge, the trainer begins to move along a route of 30-40 steps. In the process of movement, the trainer, at the signal of the judge, changes the pace and direction of movement, and also demonstrates turns on the spot. The trainer's command to the dog "Near" is given only at the beginning of the movement, when turning and changing the pace. The dog should walk tightly and naturally next to the trainer, without crowding him, at his left leg (the dog's shoulder at the knee level), maintaining the correct position at different rates of movement and when turning. When stopping, he sits down on his own at the trainer's left leg, in parallel with him, without falling over.
The skill is considered unfulfilled if the dog deviates in any direction more than the body (the appearance of a gap between the trainer and the dog more than the length of the body).
Skill score (18-10 points) | penalty points |
every repeated command | one |
every deviation within the body in any direction | one |
every lack of landing | one |
every wrong fit | one |
every mechanical action | 2 |
every run of the dog ahead of the trainer or every lag with the appearance of a gap between the dog and the handler | 2 |
each deviation of the dog with the appearance of a gap that makes up the length of the body | 3 |
other violations (each) | one |
2. Attitude to the stern, prohibiting the command "Fu"
The skill is tested in two stages.
First stage
Voice commands: "Take a walk" and gesture with the right hand, "Fu".
The skill is tested on an area of 3 mx 4 m, where several noticeable pieces of delicacy are scattered by the assistant in advance. The number of thrown pieces must be known to the judge and trainer.
A trainer with a dog without a leash, at the direction of the judge, approaches the area where the food is scattered, stops 2 meters from the area, sends the dog to this area with a “Walk” command and gestures, and continues moving in the direction of the food along with the dog.
At the direction of the judge, after passing the section with a delicacy, the trainer calls the dog up with the command "Come to me" and with a gesture. When the dog tries to take food, the handler can give the forbidding command "Fu". If the command "Fu" sounded after taking the food into the mouth, then the dog at the first command given must throw it away (the first command given is not penalized).
The skill is considered unfulfilled if the dog did not throw food out of the mouth after two forbidding commands or ate it.
Second phase
Team: "Fu".
At this stage, the skill is checked (after prior agreement with the trainer) in one of the following ways:
- prohibiting the dog from taking food from the hand of the trainer;
- prohibition to take any item.
In the first method, as directed by the judge, the trainer: - approaches the judge with the dog and stops in front of him (fixing command “Sit” is allowed);
- with his hand (on an open palm) gives several times one piece of delicacy;
- when giving the next piece, gives the command "Fu";
- after exposure up to 5 sec. removes his hand with a treat;
- resumes giving delicacies.
At the resumption of giving delicacies, the trainer is allowed to give no more than two of any permissive commands.
If, in the process of performing the skill, the command "Fu" sounded after taking the food into the mouth, then the dog, at the first command given, must throw it away. One repeated "Fu" command is allowed.
If the dog took the food after the given command "Fu" and threw it out, then the dog is fined under the item "other violations" - by 1 point.