Recommended in the IKU system

Handling  is the art of preparing a dog for an exhibition, the ability to hide exterior flaws and emphasize the exterior advantages of the displayed dog.
According to Handling:
· Contests;
· Competitions;
· Championships.
Championships are held both in individual and team events.
Age gradation of participants in Competitions, Competitions and Championships:
  • "Child and Dog" - up to 10 years old;
  • "Start Handler" - from 10 to 12 years old;
  • "Young Handler" - from 12 to 14 years old;
  • "Handler" - from 14 to 16 years old;
  • "Handler - Profi" - from 16 years old.
Handlers with dogs of any breeds, as well as mestizo can take part in the Contests, Competitions and Handling Championships.
1. Contests:
1.1. Judges' assessment is carried out by an Instructor - trainer or an Expert of at least category III.
1.2. Registration of participants ends on the day of the event before the start of the event.
1.3. During the work in the ring, the exercises shown by the participants are evaluated by the judge by awarding the appropriate place.
1.4. Each participant receives a participant's "Diploma" upon completion.
2. Competitions:
2.1. Judges' assessment is carried out by an Instructor - trainer or an Expert of at least category II.
2.2. Registration of participants ends 10 days before the event.
2.3. The list of exhibitors is published in the exhibition catalog.
2.4. While working in the ring, each exercise performed by a participant is evaluated by a judge on a point system from 1 to 10 points.
2.5. While working in the ring, if the participants scored the same number of points, the judge can ask the participants to simultaneously perform the same exercise (at their discretion).
2.6. Each participant at the end of the Competition receives a "Diploma" of the participant indicating the points scored.
3. Championships:
3.1. The judge's assessment is carried out by a specialist not lower than the National category.
3.2. To register for participation in the Handling Championships, each participant is required to have at least two diplomas obtained earlier in the corresponding age group in which he is registered. In this case, the sum of points must be at least:
  • for "Start Handlers" - 60 points;
  • for "Young Handler" - 100 points;
  • for "Handler" - 140 points;
  • for "Handler - Pro" - 160 points.
3.3. Registration of participants ends 10 days before the event.
3.4. While working in the ring, each exercise performed by a participant is evaluated by a judge on a point system from 1 to 10 points.
3.5. During the work in the ring, if the participants scored the same number of points, the judge may ask to exchange dogs and perform the same exercise (at his discretion).
3.6. The Handler with the most points wins.
3.7. The winner is awarded the title of "Best Handler of 20__".
4. Team Championship:
4.1. The judge's assessment is carried out by a specialist not lower than the National category.
4.2. Registration of teams consisting of at least 3 people is possible.
4.3. Registration of participants ends 10 days before the event.
4.4. While working in the ring, each exercise performed by a team member is evaluated by a judge separately, according to a point system from 1 to 10 points. Then the points scored by the team members are summed up and divided by the number of team members.
4.5. While working in the ring, if several teams scored the same number of points, the judge can ask the team members to exchange dogs within the team, and perform the same exercise simultaneously with the team of applicants (at the discretion of the judge).
4.6. The team with the highest average score wins.
4.7. The Handling School, represented by the winning team at the Championship, is awarded the title of "Best Handling School of 20__".
4.8. The participant of the winning team in the Championship, who scored the highest number of points, is awarded the title of "Best Handler of 20__".
Also, the title of "Best Handler of 20__" can be obtained by a participant who scored at the Handling Championships in the age group:
  • "Start Handler" - 200 points for 5 performances;
  • "Young Handler" - 350 points for 6 performances;
  • "Handler" - 600 points for 8 performances;
  • "Handler - Profi" - 1000 points for 12 performances.
5. Rules of contests, competitions, championships:
5.1. List of exercises for the performance of which Handler's work is assessed:
· Demonstration of the dog in a rack;
· Showing the dog's bite;
· Movement with the dog straight back and forth;
· Movement in a circle (the judge is in the center of the circle);
· Movement in a circle (the judge goes outside the circle);
· Movement along the "Triangle";
· Movement in the shape of the letter "T";
· Movement in the shape of the letter "L";
· Change of position in the group (at the direction of the judge).
5.1.1. When the participant performs the exercises, the judge also assesses the ethics of Handler's work.
5.2. Competition - "Child and Dog"
5.2.1. Registration of participants is carried out by adult family members.
5.2.2. Participants perform three exercises:
  • Movement in a circle (the judge is in the center of the circle);
  • Walking the dog straight back and forth;
  • Demonstration of a dog in a rack.
5.2.3. The dog can be shown with or without a muzzle (at the discretion of the judge and adult family members).
5.2.4. During the work in the ring, with the same quality of the dog's demonstration, the judge gives preference to the younger participant.
5.3. "Start Handler"
5.3.1. Registration of the participant is carried out by adult family members.
5.3.2. The participant performs 4 exercises:
  • Movement in a circle (the judge is in the center of the circle);
  • Walking the dog straight back and forth;
  • Movement in the shape of the letter "T";
  • Demonstration of a dog in a rack.
5.3.3. When the participant performs the exercises, the judge also assesses the ethics of Handler's work.
5.3.4. The dog can be shown with or without a muzzle (at the discretion of the judge and adult family members).
5.4. "Young Handler"
5.4.1. Registration of participants is carried out by adult family members.
5.4.2. The participant performs 6 exercises:
  • Movement in a circle (the judge is in the center of the circle);
  • Demonstration of a dog in a rack;
  • Walking the dog straight back and forth;
  • Movement in the shape of the letter "T";
  • Movement along the "Triangle";
  • L-shaped movement.
5.4.3. When the participant performs the exercises, the judge also assesses the ethics of Handler's work.
5.4.4. The dog is shown without a muzzle (at the discretion of the judge and adult family members).
5.5. "Handler"
5.5.1. The participant performs 7 exercises:
  • Movement in a circle (the judge is in the center of the circle);
  • Demonstration of a dog in a rack;
  • Walking the dog straight back and forth;
  • Movement in the shape of the letter "T";
  • Movement along the "Triangle";
  • Display of bite in a dog;
  • L-shaped movement;
  • Movement in a circle (the judge goes outside the circle a).
5.5.2. When the participant performs the exercises, the judge also assesses the ethics of Handler's work.
5.5.3. The dog is shown without a muzzle (at the discretion of the judge and adult family members).
5.6. "Handler - Profi"
5.6.1. Participants perform 9 exercises:
· Movement in a circle (the judge is in the center of the circle);
· Demonstration of the dog in a rack;
· Demonstration of dog bite;
· Movement with the dog straight back and forth;
· Movement along the "Triangle";
· Movement in the shape of the letter "T";
· Movement in the shape of the letter "L";
· Movement in a circle (the judge goes outside the circle);
· Change of position in the group (at the direction of the judge).
5.6.2. While working in the ring, each exercise performed by a participant is evaluated by a judge on a point system from 1 to 10 points.
5.6.3. All dogs are shown without muzzles.
5.7. The ethics of working in the ring.
5.7.1. When assessing the ethics of participants while working in the ring, the following requirements should be taken into account:
  • The displayed dog must be prepared for Competitions, Competitions and Championships in accordance with the requirements for the show;
  • The participant and his dog should look harmonious, representing one whole (a pleasing to the eye picture, the effect of which would be enhanced by the good mood of both Handler and the dog on display);
  • The participant's behavior towards the referee and opponents (must be polite and attentive, the Handler must immediately follow the referee's instructions);
  • The relationship with other participants must be friendly (you can not interfere or hinder your rivals);
  • The participant's clothing must be clean, comfortable, tidy;
  • The competitor's shoes must be neat, comfortable, allowing easy movement in the ring (high-heeled shoes are undesirable);
  • The leash should be comfortable and of optimal length. Metal chain leashes are categorically not suitable for exhibitions. The leash should not be too short, restricting the movement of the dog and limiting the movement of the Handler, but not too long. The free end of the leash should not dangle, or dragged carelessly along the floor;
  • If possible, the leash should be in harmony with the color of the dog on display;
  • In the ring, the dog's reward should be aesthetic.


Personal card of the participant of the
"Start Handler" competition

FULL NAME. _______________________________________________________________________
Date of birth _______________________________________________________________
Address __________________________________________ tel. _________________________
The registration was carried out by the full name. _________________________________________________
                                                                                (adult family member)
Graded item
Maximum points
Points earned
Movement in a circle (the judge is in the center of the circle);
Walking the dog straight back and forth
Demonstration of a dog in a rack
T-shaped movement
Total points
The competition took place as part of the event ________________________________
To the address ____________________________________________________________________
Judge  ( full name) _______________________________________________________________
Title, category ____________________________________________________________
Date ____________________________________ Signature ____________________________


Personal card of the participant of the competition

"Young Handler"

FULL NAME. _______________________________________________________________________
Date of birth _______________________________________________________________
Address __________________________________________ tel. ________________________
The registration was carried out by the full name. _________________________________________________
                                                                                 (adult family member)
Graded item
Maximum points
Points earned
Movement in a circle (the judge is in the center of the circle);
Walking the dog straight back and forth
Demonstration of a dog in a rack
T-shaped movement
Movement along the "Triangle"
L-shaped movement
Total points
The competition took place as part of the event ________________________________
To the address ____________________________________________________________________
Judge  ( full name) _______________________________________________________________
Title, category ____________________________________________________________
Date ____________________________________ Signature ____________________________

Personal card of the participant of the competition

FULL NAME. _______________________________________________________________________
Date of birth _______________________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________ tel. __________________________
Graded item
Maximum points
Points earned
Movement in a circle (the judge is in the center of the circle);
Walking the dog straight back and forth
Demonstration of a dog in a rack
T-shaped movement
Movement along the "Triangle"
Demonstration of dog bite
L-shaped movement;
Circular movement (the judge goes outside the circle)
Total points
The competition took place as part of the event ________________________________
To the address ____________________________________________________________________
Judge  ( full name) _______________________________________________________________
Title, category ____________________________________________________________
Date ____________________________________ Signature ____________________________

Personal card of the participant of the competition
"Handler - Profi"

FULL NAME. _______________________________________________________________________
Date of birth _______________________________________________________________
Address _________________________________________ tel. _________________________
Graded item
Maximum points
Points earned
Demonstration of a dog in a rack
Demonstration of dog bite
Walking the dog straight back and forth
Movement in a circle (the judge is in the center of the circle);
Circular movement (the judge goes outside the circle)
Movement along the "Triangle"
L-shaped movement;
T-shaped movement
Change of position in the group
Total points
The competition took place as part of the event ________________________________
To the address ____________________________________________________________________
Judge  ( full name) _______________________________________________________________
Title, category ____________________________________________________________
Date ____________________________________ Signature ____________________________


5.8. Movement in the ring
5.8.1. The dog is in the starting position on the left side of the competitor.
5.8.2. For all Handling exercises (figures), special attention should be paid to the fact that the competitor should not be between the judge and the dog. The handler must always consider the position of the judge and decide on which side of his dog he should be.
5.8.3. When evaluating front and back movements, the exposed dog moves in a strictly straight line from the judge and back to him (so that the judge does not change his starting position).
5.8.4. When showing a dog in a group, Handler must:
  • Lead your dog at a distance from others to avoid collisions;
  • Do not interfere with the judge when describing the dog;
  • Keep the dog on display in line with the opponents;
  • When leading the dog in a circle, keep your distance and do not let the dog catch up with the dog in front.
  • In case of interference with the competitor in front, it is correct to bypass him.
  • With all figures, special attention must be paid to the fact that the competitor must never be between the judge and the dog.
There are several ways to make a turn, we recommend using one of the three most common and expedient methods in the world. It is important that the dog can move forward quickly and without visible inhibition, and that his locomotor system works in the best possible way.
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Turning inward  (fig. 1)

When turning inward, the dog is first to the left of the participant, when changing direction, the Handler and the dog move towards each other, and the leash is transferred from the left hand to the right hand. This turn is often used during figure running and during the assessment of the locomotor apparatus from the side.

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Exponential turn  (fig. 2)

With the show turn, which is often practiced in the exterior ring, the dog remains when changing direction to the left of the Handler, who must quickly run around the dog so that it cannot break the pace.
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Outward pivot  (fig. 3)

When turning outward, the dog to the left of the Handler is circled in a semicircle. The dog looks especially good if Hendler has to lead the next piece away from the judge. Sometimes such a turn is performed towards the judge, especially when showing large breeds of dogs, the dog's movements are then smoother, more effective. In this case, the Handler still has a short time between the judge and the dog. When making such a turn, the size of the dog and the features of its motor system must be taken into account.

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Walking the dog straight back and forth (fig.4.1 and fig.4.2)

This exercise gives the judge the opportunity to evaluate the motor system of the exposed dog both from the front and from the back. When executing, you need to pay special attention to the fact that the dog must be led clearly in a straight line in the direction from the judge, and then, without stopping, after turning left (show turn) or right (turn inward) along the same straight line, return back to judge. In this case, the judge does not change his original position. If two dogs are doing the exercise at the same time, both Handlers are advised to ensure that the dogs run next to each other directly in the judge's field of vision and that the dogs start at the same time and away from the judge and vice versa. At the same time, it is not penalized if a dog running faster than another dog has to slow down a little before returning to the judge, because in this case the dogs are led, of course,

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Movement along the "Triangle"  (Fig. 5)

When moving in a triangle, the judge can sequentially check the movement of the dog from behind, from the side and from the front. The competitor must choose the shape of his triangle so that the judge can evaluate the dog from behind, from the side and from the front. This means that all three sides of the triangle should have approximately the same length and that the side of the triangle opposite the judge is located perpendicular to the direction of his gaze.


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Dve izhenie in the form of the letter "T"  (Figure 6)

The "T" -shaped movement provides all the conditions for a thorough assessment of the dog's motor system from behind, from the front, and from both sides. In both the triangle and the T, Handler must remember that one of the lines must not be too short and that the line opposite the judge must be perpendicular to his gaze. It is recommended to pay special attention to the turns so that the competitor never obstructs the judge's dog.


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L-shaped movement;

The L-shaped movement provides all the conditions for a thorough assessment of the dog's motor system from behind, from the front, and from both sides, but this movement is preferable if the ring is very long and narrow. 

Circle (fig. 8.9)

As a rule, the judge stands in the middle of the circle and judges the movements of the displayed dogs from the side. If, changing position, the judge leaves the circle, and this while the dogs are inside him, then the Handler must, before reaching the place where the judge stands, briefly stand on the other side of the dog, and after passing the judge, return to the same place along attitude towards the dog. however, in no case should he be between the judge and the dog.

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Author:  IKU